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MYCODIUM Online Arizona| 250mg | 6250mg – Microdosing Where To Buy. WHY MICRODOSE?
To reduce the frequency and intensity of undesirable states caused by conditions like Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Addiction, Mood Disorders, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, OCD, BPD among others. To increase desirable states and outcomes, including: Creativity, Energy, Productivity, Focus. Flow States, Better Relationships, Personal Boundary Development, Athletic Coordination, Leadership Development, and many others. Buy MYCODIUM | 250mg | 6250mg online from our shop. MYCODIUM Online Arizona
Creative dose: 0.5–1g (test out these doses before taking at work!)
Typical Recreational dose: 2–3g (a full trip dose)
Heroic dose 5-8 g (Do not try this unless you are experienced with psilocybin and have done your research)
God dose 10-28 g (Do not try this unless you are experienced with psilocybin and have done your research)-Take advantage of the Synergetic effects of our select Blends of Microdose stack
– Our Stacks can replace your medicine cabinet of nootropics supplements or even SSRI medication.
Each tablet contains 250 mg naproxen
Excipient with known effect : Lactose monohydrate
Each tablet contains 72 mg of lactose monohydrate
We recommend dosing yourself three times a week, or every 2-3 days, starting with a microdose (.100g or 100mg). We also recommend consuming in the morning, that way the effects will last all day, and not interfere with your sleep. The residual effect of the microdose should last into the next day and possibly linger into the third day as well. This is why we recommend a 2-3 day cycle. MYCODIUM Online
Tolerance buildup varies greatly from one person to another, it is up to you to determine your required dosage level. With multiple strengths to choose from, our products make it easy to determine and consume the correct dosage required for the microdose effect.
– Fights fatigue and depression
– Acts as an antioxidant
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis), ankylosing spondylitis, acute gout, acute musculoskeletal disorders and dysmenorrhoea.
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