buy G13 strain on According to its fans, the G13 strain is a different breed of weed, and it is a marijuana strain with a hint of mystery. Indeed, discovering the origins of legendary strains grown between the 1960s and 1990s is difficult. At that time, marijuana was completely illegal throughout the United States, which meant breeders didn’t have the opportunity to track down a full list of genetics and the sources of weed they used. Their main concern was to avoid getting caught! Consequently, many of the older strains you may use carry with them a legend or two, and G13 is no different! buy G13 strain online
What Is the G13 Strain? History AND Mystery!
G13 weed is likely an Indica-dominant hybrid strain. As for its history, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a legitimate story and an urban myth. The story of G13 arguably begins at a rural Mississippi research facility sometime between the late 60s and early 70s.
According to one account, at least one U.S. Government agency was allegedly developing weed with assistance from the University of Mississippi, where government-approved cannabis grows. The story of G13 arguably begins at a rural Mississippi research facility sometime between the late 60s and early 70s. The suggestion is that the G-men grew pure Afghani clones labeled from G1 to G23. While every clone had slightly different traits, G13 was allegedly the most stable. Then, a breeder named Neville Schoenmaker contacted an unnamed rebel lab technician who was keen to liberate G13. Schoenmaker received a single sample of this new strain which he spread throughout the United States.
G13 made its way into the mainstream via the smash hit movie American Beauty, where it was featured as a form of marijuana that doesn’t make you paranoid. In truth, the origins of this strain remain unknown (unless you believe the myth), but we know that it is an exceptionally good smoke.
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